Therapeutic Diet

Therapeutic diet (Thyroid / PCOD/ BP/ Diabetes/ High Cholesterol/ Fatty Liver/Hormonal Imbalance/ Low fertility/ IBS/Acidity/ GERD)

Nowadays, medical ailments have no age bars. Be it thyroid, PCOD/PCOS, Diabetes Mellitus, High Cholesterol , Blood pressure, Fatty liver, Low fertility, Many food allergies, Irritable bowel syndrome, is what is caused by our stressful lifestyle and unhealthy eating pattern.

Many times we ignore their build up and later when the situation gets worse we notice and pop in medicine for easy and quick relief.

Have we ever thought of attacking the cause of such problems? No, because of lack of guidance or probably, unawareness or even under confidence for other disciplines.

It’s high time we rectify these issues from the root cause and make it a lifelong change. Right food for right ailment and its maintenance is what is going to reduce the effect of the medical condition and will help in increasing the chances of reversing it

Therapeutic Diet

Our Therapeutic Program Comprise Of

  • 30 min First consultation call with Dietitian Nikita Katyal.
  • Weekly feedback calls (telephonic / video calls – as per client’s comfort)  lasting for 20 min with Nutritionist Nikita Katyal.
  • A week’s diet plan after the feedback call targeting the cause of the medical ailment, the inclusion of necessary nutrients for better and proper healing of the body.
  • Reasoning for all the food included in the diet routine.
  • Desi remedies for body issues.
  • Easy access to Dietitian Nikita Katyal by the Client for all the queries and concerns  (in between working hours and days).
  • Healthy and Delicious Recipes.
  • Suggesting a video or type of physical activity be included as per the diet in the respective week.

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Your better self is a step away, make an effort to make it real.

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