Diet For Elders

Aging is a natural process, but its intensity and time is in our hands. Yes, food becomes the only medium to slow the process of aging and also reduce the damage the body is getting. This weapon changes for different age group people.

Similarly, is the case with our oldies or rather I would put it, Our Experienced Members of the family. They devote their lives in growing us and making us what we are today, so it becomes our responsibility to keep a good track of their health so that in their later age they do not have to suffer much.

In the Diet for Elders program we make sure to let our elders meet the necessary nutrients in any form as well as in accordance with the medical condition if any. Right kind of nutrition and the correct amount of physical activity is what will be recommended in the program.

Diet for Elders

Our Diet For Elders Program Comprise of

  • 30 min First consultation call with Dietitian Nikita Katyal 
  • Weekly feedback calls (telephonic / video calls – as per client’s comfort)  lasting for 20 min with Nutritionist Nikita Katyal 
  • A week’s diet plan after the feedback call targeting the energy levels, gut issues, lifestyle disorder, much of inclusion of vitamins and minerals.
  • Reasoning for all the food included in the diet routine 
  • Desi remedies for body issues. 
  • Easy access to Dietitian Nikita Katyal by the Client for all the queries and concerns  (in between working hours and days)
  • Healthy  and delicious Recipes 
  • Suggesting a video or type of physical activity to be included as per the diet in the respective week  

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