About Nikita Katyal


About Us

Dietitian Nikita Katyal is one of the best dietitians and a fitness consultant in Delhi. She is a certified Nutritionist and Owner Founder of Diet Define Clinic who is passionate about letting people encounter the real meaning of dieting.

She has also interned in Hindu Rao Hospital for a couple of months as an Assistant Dietitian. Her skills specialize in Weight Management, PCOD, Thyroid, Skin and hair nourishment, Healthy Kids Diet, Diabetes Mellitus, Arthritis, Cardiovascular diseases, Healthy Gut, Fatty Liver, and Nutrient-Dense Diet Regime.

Her approach is really simple in managing our daily eating pattern, i.e. everything available naturally to us is beneficial to our body, it’s the right time of its consumption and the right proportion that makes the body absorb it well and reflect the same.

In addition to this, she believes that our body is made for movement, so with clean eating, a good amount of physical activity is what helps the body heal fast and maintain well. Being a Fitness Addict, she makes sure of imparting the correct knowledge about Nutrition and enables her clients to learn and practice ‘desi’ natural remedies for their bodily ailments.


Nikita Katyal is a well-known Indian Nutritionist whose expert articles have also been featured in some of the leading Indian Newspapers for health and wellness blogs. She is also an online health blogger and shares her dietary advice and expert knowledge through her written presentations and videos. She practices her profession of Dietician and Nutritionist both online as well as offline.

The real motto of finding Diet Define Clinic is to propagate the idea of holistic vision and anti-s starvation towards a healthy body and mind. Delhi-based Dietician Nikita provides personalized diet regimes with the focus of maintaining the metabolism of the body and fulfilling its real deficiencies with food.

Nikita Katyal

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